Buidling Dreams Together


Yellow Card… Red Card… Blue Card? – FIFA’S NEW IDEA AFTER 50 YEARS?

For as long as time in footballing history, we’ve been so heavily used to the concept of a yellow and red card used in all worldwide matches. The concept is simple; you get verbal warnings and eventually a yellow card – that way you knoe the referre is watxhing you and you’ve been officially warned. Recieve another and your two yellow cards accumulate into a red – Your Off! A red card is simple. Do something so outlandish that your outright sent off.. so.. what’s this new “Blue Card”?

Well to put it simple, the blue card is an initial idea where any player who commits a foul that is viewed as a “tactics foul” and if any player shows any sign of argumentative attitude towards officials – will promptly be shown this blue card. The following player who receives this card will be soent off for approx. ten minutes before being allowed back into play by the lead match official.

Essentialy. Your put into a time out. It’s a rather silly idea.

The blue card would also function the same way as a yellow card functions. Recieve two of these cards and your two accumulated blue cards will suddenly turn into a red card.

The choice to implement the idea of the blue card doesn’t sound exactly the best – many footballing fans worldwide took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to state their views on the idea of essentially “putting players in the naughty corner” whilst other fans beg the question of whether it’s real or simply a hoax.

Real.. or a hoax?

As it currently stands based solely on rumors floating around; these blue cards are just currently being used as ‘sin-bin’ trials. Despite popular belief, these cards will not be used in Professional leagues and will not be prematurely implemented into said leagues, these cards will only be sent used in semi-pro league’s and minor leagues as of current. If trials aren’t a success then we wont ever see them again! This is the first time in 50 years that a new card has been implemented into footballing.

Although that being all said; footballing fans have nothing to worry about for the time being. This blue card won’t be shown anytime in the near future.

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A passionate writer with a love for grassroot clubs, local footballing stories and a interest in showing the underdog stories that go unseen.